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Other Medical Dermatology Procedures and Treatments in Buckeye and Surprise, AZ

Regency Specialties offers a wide variety of services to improve medical dermatology conditions. No matter what your skin issue may be, it’s our goal to help you maintain healthy skin and feel your best.

We take a comprehensive approach to medical dermatology by providing the latest treatments and innovations available for our patients. If you are experiencing an issue with your skin or simply want to schedule your annual skin cancer screening, contact us today.

Moles (nevi)

Moles are very common among people of all ages and skin colors. Most are benign, causing no reason for alarm. However, some moles can be hiding skin cancer, which is the most common cancer in the U.S. Other moles, though previously benign, may evolve into cancerous lesions over time. It is important to keep an eye on moles and check each of them monthly for changes in color, texture, shape, size, and symmetry. Moles that begin to change, itch, or bleed should be evaluated by a dermatologist immediately.

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Dermatologists will not usually treat your moles at all unless you are bothered by their cosmetic appearance or when they rub up against your clothing. However, moles that appear cancerous may be removed during a standard office visit. Dermatologists can remove the mole by cutting it out or using a surgical shave, during which a surgical blade is used to carefully “shave” the mole off.

Never attempt to shave your own moles off, as this can cause infection, disfigurement, or worse —  it could allow skin cancer cells to spread if present. We perform mole removal and encourage annual full-body skin exams.


Warts are common skin growths that are caused by a highly contagious virus known as human papilloma virus (HPV). Despite over 100 strains of HPV exist, foot warts are only caused by a few of them. The virus is usually contracted by walking on contaminated surfaces. You can avoid getting foot warts by wearing shoes when walking in gym locker rooms or near swimming pools. Many people mistake foot warts for calluses. Warts on the bottom of the feet may be hard and flat, but warts on other areas of the feet are typically soft and raised. 

Anyone can develop foot warts, though they are most likely to affect children, teenagers, and individuals with weakened immune systems. Many patients are concerned about this bothersome (but very treatable) condition. To get rid of a wart, the infected skin cells must be physically destroyed. At Regency, treatment of warts is customized based on the wart size, location, and severity. Our expert staff offer various in-office procedures such as cryotherapy, pairing, injections, and topical medications to target and destroy the wart virus DNA.


Rashes can occur suddenly, and for no apparent reason, in people of all ages. Rashes may be triggered by infection, allergies, environmental irritants, systemic disease, or other factors. Some rashes appear only as a discoloration to the skin, while others have symptoms of itchiness and discomfort. Some of the most common rashes are eczema, poison ivy, hives and athlete’s foot. Although rashes can be very common if they last for more than a few days you should be evaluated by a doctor.

Rashes can occur suddenly and for no apparent reason in people of all ages. Rashes may be triggered by infection, allergies, environmental irritants, systemic disease or other factors. At Regency, our dermatology specialists are extremely qualified to understand the underlying causes of various rashes with customized treatment to address each patient’s unique needs. In Arizona, the sun is very strong and we always encourage our patients to protect themselves!

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Hair loss

Because hair loss can be sudden and unpredictable, it is often extremely alarming, frustrating, and emotionally challenging to live with. At Regency, we strive to give back our patients' control over their hair health. Our goal of treatment with all hair loss types is to stop hair loss progression and to stimulate new hair growth. Alopecia is a general medical term used for all types of hair loss.

There are many different types of alopecia. The first step to treatment is to establish whether the alopecia is scarring or non-scarring. At Regency, our diagnostic approach to hair loss involves detailed patient history intake and visual examination of the scalp along with hair follicle examination under magnification. Sometimes laboratory evaluation or a scalp biopsy are also needed for definitive diagnosis.

With our experience, we are extremely qualified at diagnosing and treating hair loss in both men and women. Our approach to treatment involves increasing the overall health of the scalp and specifically targeting the particular type of alopecia using the most advanced treatment modalities.


Melasma is a condition causing hyperpigmentation of the skin. It is typically seen on the sun-exposed areas of the face. Stress and thyroid disease could also be causes of melasma. It is more commonly seen in women with darker skin pigmentation, or who live in areas of intense UV light. There are more than 200,000 cases of melasma in the U.S. each year. Melasma is treatable, but can take time to reverse. It is not cancerous and will not develop into skin cancer.

Melasma can also occur from hormonal fluctuations such as with pregnancy or use of oral contraceptives. For this reason, it has been nicknamed the “mask of pregnancy”. We develop a good foundational regimen and build upon that as needed. Melasma can be treated with retinol products, hydroquinone creams, topical steroids, chemical peels, and lasers. Sunscreen is also recommended daily, as the hyperpigmentation worsens with continued sun exposure.

Lichen simplex chronicus

Lichen simplex chronicus presents as dry, patchy areas of thickened skin secondary to repeated scratching and rubbing. Lichen simplex chronicus is a common skin finding in patients with chronic pruritic skin condition such as eczema, psoriasis, and seborrheic dermatitis. Scratching makes it itchier, which leads to an “itch-scratch” cycle that causes thick, leathery skin. Several itchy spots typically form on the neck, wrist, forearm, thigh, or ankle. Primary treatment is patient education and behavior modification addressing the harmful effects of mechanical trauma from continuous scratching.

Other therapies include high-potency topical corticosteroids, as well as intralesional injections of corticosteroids as these agents decrease inflammation and itch symptoms. Frequent moisturizing with emollients and oral antihistamines to reduce pruritis are also useful. Topical steroids are a common treatment because they decrease inflammation and itch while concurrently softening the skin.


Impetigo is a highly contagious bacterial skin infection. Impetigo most commonly presents as weeping vesicles and pustules with overlying honey-colored crust around chin and mouth. Impetigo is spread by skin-to-skin contact and requires medical treatment. Because of how easily this disease is spread, it has been nicknamed the “school disease”. Once you are medicated for 24 hours, the disease is not contagious anymore.

Impetigo is the most common bacterial skin infection in children. It is a common finding in children with eczema, due to underlying skin barrier dysfunction. Treatment typically involves a topical antibiotic. Oral antibiotics are sometimes indicated in cases of widespread involvement. Acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis is a rare complication of untreated impetigo, and is easily ruled out during clinical evaluation. Children are more likely to develop post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis than adults, and they are also more likely to recover quickly.

Seborrheic keratoses 

Seborrheic keratoses are common, benign skin growths. Seborrheic keratoses are genetic and are not caused by exposure to UV radiation, unlike many other skin lesions. Some SKs are flat and look like common sun spots, while others have a “stuck on” appearance. Since SKs come in many different colors, sizes, and shapes, they frequently raise concern for skin cancer among patients. Seborrheic keratosis is very common, with over three million cases in the U.S. each year; however, it is very treatable by a medical professional.

SKs are easily identifiable to a dermatology trained-professional, as these have very characteristic traits under magnification. Although SKs do not present any health risks, they can be unsightly, itchy, and irritated. Depending on location and size, SKs can be easily removed with liquid nitrogen, shave removal, or excision. At Regency, we determine the best treatment option based upon each patient’s individual needs.

Ringworm (tinea corporis)

Ringworm is a common superficial infection of the skin caused by a fungus. Tinea corporis mainly affects the trunk, legs, arms, and neck. There are other classifications of tinea depending on affected body area. When tinea affects the feet, it is called “athlete’s foot” (tinea pedis). When it effects the groin, it is known as “jock itch” (tinea cruris). Ringworm is very common, with over three million cases in the U.S. per year.

It spreads very easily and requires a medical diagnosis. Scalp ringworm is known as tinea capitis. Tinea Corporis is typically a clinical diagnosis. It’s important to point out that it is contagious. Treatment involves topical antifungals and behavior modifications, such as keeping skin clean and dry. In cases of recurrent infection or extensive involvement, oral antifungals may be indicated. 

Skin Infections

Skin and soft tissue infections primarily develop as a result of bacteria gaining access under the skin via minor injuries. Staph and strep are two most common pathogens implicated in majority of skin and soft tissue infections. Skin infections typically present as painful, hot, red skin lesions. In more severe cases, systemic symptoms such as fever, malaise, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may also be present. Certain conditions such as diabetes and immunosuppression increase one’s risk of acquiring a skin infection.

Diabetes often causes slow-healing wounds that can worsen rapidly, with elevated blood glucose levels serving as the initial barrier to healing. Thus, achieving optimal glycemic control is imperative. Treatment typically includes an oral and sometimes topical antibiotic. A culture may be obtained as well. In severe cases, incision and drainage and surgical debridement are also necessary in addition to antibiotics.


Lupus is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease that can affect many parts of the body including the skin, joints, kidneys, blood cells, heart, and lungs. There are four main subtypes of lupus. The most common type is systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The other less common types are neonatal, discoid, and drug induced. While the exact cause of lupus is unclear, one thing we do know is that for some reason patients with lupus develop autoantibodies that attack and destroy healthy tissues. There is no single test to diagnose lupus.

Diagnosis is typically based on correlation of clinical findings, laboratory studies, histology, and antibody serology. Sometimes we have to work hand-in-hand with other specialists, including a rheumatologist, as lupus can require a multidisciplinary approach to ensure optimal patient outcome. Our approach to managing patients with lupus involves an individualized approach that includes patient education on proper sun protection along with topical and systemic agents for symptom relief and improved quality of life. 


Cellulitis is an infection of the skin and underlying tissues below the skin surface. If left untreated, cellulitis can be life-threatening. Strep pyogenes and staph aureus are two most common pathogens implicated in majority of cellulitis cases. Skin injuries such as cuts, insect bites, or surgical incisions are commonly the sites of the infection. There are more than 200,000 cases per year in the U.S. Once treated, it usually resolves within days to weeks.

Mild cases of cellulitis can be treated with oral antibiotics and close observation on an outpatient basis. We may take a culture of your skin to identify the specific bacteria causing the infection. The outer border may be marked with a marker to monitor for progression. Fast-spreading cellulitis or cellulitis with signs of systemic infection typically requires hospitalization and treatment with IV antibiotics.


Birthmarks appear in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and textures on or under the skin. Most birthmarks do not pose any health risks or require treatment. A birthmark can present at birth or appear during the first year of life. Rarely, certain types of birthmarks can be associated with underlying systemic conditions or medical problems. Concerned parents of children with birthmarks should seek an evaluation to rule out these problems. Our skilled dermatology professionals at Regency can help determine whether a birthmark requires treatment. 

As long as there is no evolution or change to an existing birthmark, chances are it is innocuous. A rare exception is a giant congenital nevus, which can spread to the deeper layers of the skin. Giant congenital nevi carry a 5% to 10% lifetime risk of developing into melanoma. Typically, these are monitored with regular clinical follow for progression. Some patients may wish to remove their birthmark for aesthetic reasons. We are happy to accomplish this in a comfortable, safe manner to deliver the optimal aesthetic result. 


Both shingles and chickenpox are caused by the same virus: the varicella zoster virus. Acutely, varicella zoster causes chickenpox. Anyone who has had chicken pox is at risk of developing shingles later in life. After a chickenpox infection, the varicella zoster virus hides within nerve fibers in the dorsal root ganglion and can lay dormant in the body for decades.

Re-activation of the viral infection manifests as a painful blistering rash, typically only affecting one side of the body. The rash is often preceded by a burning pain in the same region several days prior. The most dreaded complication of shingles is a condition known as post-herpetic neuralgia (10% to15% incidence). Oral Antiviral medications are the mainstay of therapy.

Oral anti-convulsant and topical analgesia agents are available for pain relief. Some evidence is emerging suggests that supplementing with lysine amino acid at earliest sign of symptoms can speed up recovery time and reduce the chance of recurrence. The shingles vaccine Zostavax is recommended for adults age 60 and older; however, it is still possible to get shingles even after receiving immunization.


Pruritis manifests itself as itching of the skin. Pruritis can be caused by many various rashes and underlying conditions such as dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, or dermatographism. Although itching of the skin is a very common symptom that affects most adults, it can be a sign of more serious illnesses if persistent for more than a few days. 

At Regency, our skilled providers have the requisite expertise to evaluate, diagnose, and treat many skin conditions that cause itching. Treatment of pruritis aims to treat the underlying cause and provide relief for uncomfortable symptoms of pruritis such as itching, stinging, and burning. Topical cannabinoid agonist creams have been shown to relieve pruritus associated with certain chronic dermatoses. 

Skin Growths

Skin growths can present in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and textures. Benign growths often have a wart-like appearance. The most common benign growths are moles or lentigines. Some skin growths can be worrisome, as they may resemble skin cancer. The only absolute indication for removal of a skin growth is underlying malignancy. These growths most commonly appear in middle age or later. 

Many skin growths, also known as “skin tags”, don’t require any treatment. If a growth is irritating or its appearance is unwanted, it can be removed. Unwanted skin growths affect over three million people in the U.S. per year. Our skilled dermatologic professionals at Regency can help determine whether a skin growth requires treatment or monitoring.

Hair infections

Fungal scalp infections and folliculitis are just some conditions that can infect the hair follicle. The symptoms normally look like severe dandruff, and may be mistaken for psoriasis. Make sure to get a diagnosis from a doctor before taking any medicine. In serious cases, scalp fungus can cause big bumps or swellings in certain areas of the scalp. These can hurt, and if not treated, cause permanent hair loss and scars. 

If you have a stubborn case of this infection or you want to get rid of it as fast as possible, you may need to take medication for it. At Regency, our skilled providers are qualified to evaluate and treat the underlying causes of various conditions that cause hair infections. 


Excessive friction and inflammation can cause skin breakdown, and can create an entry point for secondary fungal and bacterial infections such as candida. Candida is commonly diagnosed clinically, based on the characteristic appearance of satellite lesions. The fungus candida is a naturally occurring microorganism. Symptoms include a red rash. It’s a common disease, with three million cases per year in the U.S. 

The skin between fingers and toes, around the fingernails and toenails, and around the groin are commonly affected areas. A culture may be required to distinguish candida from other bacterial superinfections. Obesity, diabetes, and immunosuppression are all risk factors. Most cases only require local topical antifungals. Resistant cases may warrant oral treatment with an azole medication. Most cases resolve within days to weeks once treated.

Skin Discoloration

Discoloration of the skin can present in a variety of colors and textures. Discoloration can be caused by various rashes and skin conditions. In some situations, skin discoloration may be a sign of a more serious underlying disease. There are several skin pigmentation disorders such as hyperpigmentation and vitiligo that could be causing the issue.

Some people try home remedies to cure skin discoloration, but the condition could be a sign to a deeper problem, and it is important that you get an accurate diagnosis. At Regency, our dedicated staff has the expertise to evaluate and diagnose various causes of skin discoloration and treat accordingly depending on our patient’s unique needs.

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